ansible centos

Installing Ansible on Debian 9

Ansible is free software that allows the deployment and the automation of administration tasks on multiple remote servers at the same time, regardless of their operating system. What is interesting with Ansible, no need to install an agent on the servers, only the deployment of the public key of Ansible server is necessary, because the […]

CentOS eth0 Network config

Here is a short tutorial to configure the network interface under CentOS. Here the network interface is called: eth0. Configuring the ifcfg-eth0 file vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE = eth0 ## Interface Name BOOTPROTO = static ## Switch to static and non-DHCP mode BROADCAST = ## broadcast address HWADDR = AA: BB: DC: DD: EE: FF […]

htop centos

Install htop on CentOS

Under CentOS, it is not possible to install htop via the official repositories. Here is a small memo about how to install htop under CentOS. To install htop, we will go through the addition of an external repository: CentOS-Dag.repo. vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Dag.repo Then paste the following lines: [dag] name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux baseurl=$releasever/en/$basearch/dag gpgcheck=1 […]


Easily install an OpenVPN server on Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and Linux Mint 18

To simplify the installation of OpenVPN server, an installation script is available on github, named openvpn-install. This script allows you to install and configure your own VPN server in less than 5 minutes by generating a .ovpn configuration file for use with the OpenVPN client on all GNU / Linux, MacOS X and Windows operating systems. […]

Running a netinstall over HTTP to install CentOS

In this Tutorial we will learn how to initiate the process of running a netinstall over HTTP (using the URL method) in order to install CentOS 6. The CentOS network installation is a process by which a small image file is used to boot the computer and enable the download of all the necessary files that will […]

Installing CentOS from USB

In this tutorial we will learn how to download and confirm the checksum of one or more CentOS 6 disk image(s) using a typical Windows desktop computer on a USB drive. CentOS is made available in various formats by HTTP, FTP, or via a Torrent-based client from a series of mirror sites located across the world. It supports […]

CentOS yum install

CentOS yum install/update – we will learn how to enhance the minimal install with additional tools that will give you a variety of administrative and development options that will prove vital during the lifetime of your server. The minimal install is probably the most efficient way you can install a server, but having said that, a minimal […]


Gadmin ProFTPD FTP Server (Gproftpd)

Gproftpd is the graphical interface of proftpd, a very powerful ftp server, it requires some advanced knowledge to master it. You can try to do a basic and functional configuration of proftpd, in order to understand a minimum and to check if you really need Gproftpd. Installation of gadmin-proftpd Install the gadmin-proftpd package. During the […]

Setup sftp on your server under linux (Debian)

This is a small memo on how to easily install and configure an SFTP server under Debian Jessie. What is an SFTP server An SFTP server is a Secure File Transfer Protocol as its name suggests. With this protocol, the file transfer is encrypted end-to-end, which makes it possible to secure the file sending without being read […]

What is proFTPD

ProFTPD is a free and open source FTP server. Its authors announce it as powerful and perfectly secure. ProFTPD is the most popular file transfer protocole in Unix-like environments today. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL license. ProFTPD is also well documented, most configurations would be similar to the tutorials provided with the […]