MongoDB is a document-oriented database management system that can be distributed over any number of computers and does not require a predefined data schema. It is written in C++. The server and tools are distributed under the AGPL license (Is a free copyleft license, intended to oblige the services accessible by the network to publish […]
Vesta Control Panel is a free, open source website control panel with website, email, database, and DNS functionalities built in. Prerequisites This tutorial uses as the example hostname. Replace it with your domain name throughout this tutorial. An Ubuntu server A registered domain name pointed to this server. You can read this series on […]
Root Login You will need to know your server’s public IP address and the password for the “root” user’s account. Connect To Your Server with SSH In order to connect to a remote Linux server via SSH, you must have following: User name: The remote user to log in as. The default admin user, on […]
ProFTPd is an open source and free FTP server compatible with all linux-like systems, Mac OS and windows (via cygwin). Read more about ProFTPd. This tutorial demonstrates how to Configure ProFTPd To Use SFTP instead of FTP on Linux Ubuntu or Centos VPS. Install ProFTPd sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install proftpd Choose “stand […]
FTP, or “File Transfer Protocol” is a protocol of transferring files between two remote systems. Secure File Transfer Protocol is a variant of the FTP protocol that “tunnels” the session through a Secure Shell (SSH) connection to secure it. Because FTP uses multiple TCP connections (which is an exception in the list of TCP / IP […]
Yandex is the largest search engine in Russia with about 60% market share in that country.It also develops a number of Internet-based services and products. Yandex ranked as the 4th largest search engine worldwide. Quality and relevant search engine results, light web mail service, powerful translator, and more features that make this company irreproachably present […]
In this post I’ll show you a simple method to reveal Top Web niches that have less competition and High CPC and Traffic Volumes. If you are an affiliate marketer or Blogger or an Adsense Publisher, this article will help you to target Money Traffic and increase your incomes. The Strategy The Strategy can be […]
If you had an http website and/or non-www url structure and you installed an https protocole and you would like to force your server to redirect permanently all urls to https AND .www new version of your website you can simply apply (copy past) the following configuration into your .htaccess file found in the root […]
DenyHosts monitors server logs and bans ips that exceed a certain number of failed logins. It is an effective security tool, written in python, this software helps to prevent brute force attacks on a virtual server. Install DenyHosts sudo rpm -Uvh sudo yum install denyhosts Whitelist IP Addresses Edit the file : hosts.allow nano /etc/hosts.allow […]
GZIP compression is based on the deflate algorithm, which is a combination of Huffman and LZ77 algorithms. ‘Deflate’ was developed in response to software problems patent covering LZW and other compression algorithms, thus limiting the possible uses of compression and other popular archiving programs. Enabling this feature could make your website pages load +70% faster. First make […]