Easily install an OpenVPN server on Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and Linux Mint 18

To simplify the installation of OpenVPN server, an installation script is available on github, named openvpn-install. This script allows you to install and configure your own VPN server in less than 5 minutes by generating a .ovpn configuration file for use with the OpenVPN client on all GNU / Linux, MacOS X and Windows operating systems. […]


Gadmin ProFTPD FTP Server (Gproftpd)

Gproftpd is the graphical interface of proftpd, a very powerful ftp server, it requires some advanced knowledge to master it. You can try to do a basic and functional configuration of proftpd, in order to understand a minimum and to check if you really need Gproftpd. Installation of gadmin-proftpd Install the gadmin-proftpd package. During the […]

Setup sftp on your server under linux (Debian)

This is a small memo on how to easily install and configure an SFTP server under Debian Jessie. What is an SFTP server An SFTP server is a Secure File Transfer Protocol as its name suggests. With this protocol, the file transfer is encrypted end-to-end, which makes it possible to secure the file sending without being read […]

sftp raspbian

Raspbian sftp server – Guide

Raspbian is an open source and free operating system based on Debian GNU / Linux optimized to run on a Raspberry Pi. Raspbian is a composed by the fusion of the words “Raspberry Pi” and “Debian”. This is a Debian modification specifically adapted for ARMv6-based systems with an FPU. Installing and configuring sftp server on Raspbian If you […]

Debian ftp

Debian ftp server guide

Installing and configuring FTP server vsftpd This article aims to show in details the steps to set up an FTP (for File Transfer Protocol, witch is a network protocol that was once widely used for moving files between a client and server), using vsftpd (Very Secure FTP Daemon). vsftpd is an FTP (file transfer protocole) server for UNIX systems, […]

Configuration initiale du serveur sous Centos 7.x

Dans ce tutoriel, vous allez apprendre les premières étapes de configuration votre propre serveur. Ce tutoriel vous serait utile si vous avez acheté un serveur VPS ou Cloud sans configuration préalable (le cas de Serveur non géré ou Unmanaged server). C’est le cas des VPS puissants à faible coût, généralement vous n’aurez qu’un accès SSH et […]

Install VestaCP and Setup a Website on Ubuntu 14.x

Vesta Control Panel is a free, open source website control panel with website, email, database, and DNS functionalities built in. Prerequisites This tutorial uses as the example hostname. Replace it with your domain name throughout this tutorial. An Ubuntu server A registered domain name pointed to this server. You can read this series on […]

Initial Server Setup with CentOS 7.x

Root Login You will need to know your server’s public IP address and the password for the “root” user’s account. Connect To Your Server with SSH In order to connect to a remote Linux server via SSH, you must have following: User name: The remote user to log in as. The default admin user, on […]


SFTP to Securely Transfer Files with a Remote Linux Server

FTP, or “File Transfer Protocol” is a protocol of transferring files between two remote systems. Secure File Transfer Protocol is a variant of the FTP protocol that “tunnels” the session through a Secure Shell (SSH) connection to secure it. Because FTP uses multiple TCP connections (which is an exception in the list of TCP / IP […]