ansible centos

Installing Ansible on Debian 9

Ansible is free software that allows the deployment and the automation of administration tasks on multiple remote servers at the same time, regardless of their operating system. What is interesting with Ansible, no need to install an agent on the servers, only the deployment of the public key of Ansible server is necessary, because the […]

CentOS eth0 Network config

Here is a short tutorial to configure the network interface under CentOS. Here the network interface is called: eth0. Configuring the ifcfg-eth0 file vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE = eth0 ## Interface Name BOOTPROTO = static ## Switch to static and non-DHCP mode BROADCAST = ## broadcast address HWADDR = AA: BB: DC: DD: EE: FF […]

htop centos

Install htop on CentOS

Under CentOS, it is not possible to install htop via the official repositories. Here is a small memo about how to install htop under CentOS. To install htop, we will go through the addition of an external repository: CentOS-Dag.repo. vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Dag.repo Then paste the following lines: [dag] name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux baseurl=$releasever/en/$basearch/dag gpgcheck=1 […]

Installing CentOS from USB

In this tutorial we will learn how to download and confirm the checksum of one or more CentOS 6 disk image(s) using a typical Windows desktop computer on a USB drive. CentOS is made available in various formats by HTTP, FTP, or via a Torrent-based client from a series of mirror sites located across the world. It supports […]

CentOS yum install

CentOS yum install/update – we will learn how to enhance the minimal install with additional tools that will give you a variety of administrative and development options that will prove vital during the lifetime of your server. The minimal install is probably the most efficient way you can install a server, but having said that, a minimal […]

Edit the Sudoers File on Ubuntu and CentOS

In this tutorial we’ll learn how to edit sudo file on Ubunto and Centos. A special user, called root, has “super-user” privileges. This is an administrative account without the restrictions that are present on normal users. Users can execute commands with “super-user” or “root” privileges in a number of different ways. In this article, we […]


Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 16.x or Centos 7.x

MongoDB  is a document-oriented database management system that can be distributed over any number of computers and does not require a predefined data schema. It is written in C++. The server and tools are distributed under the AGPL license (Is a free copyleft license, intended to oblige the services accessible by the network to publish […]

Initial Server Setup with CentOS 7.x

Root Login You will need to know your server’s public IP address and the password for the “root” user’s account. Connect To Your Server with SSH In order to connect to a remote Linux server via SSH, you must have following: User name: The remote user to log in as. The default admin user, on […]

ssh attack

Install DenyHosts to Protect and Secure SSH

DenyHosts monitors server logs and bans ips that exceed a certain number of failed logins. It is an effective security tool, written in python, this software helps to prevent brute force attacks on a virtual server. Install DenyHosts sudo rpm -Uvh sudo yum install denyhosts Whitelist IP Addresses Edit the file : hosts.allow nano /etc/hosts.allow […]


Enable GZIP compression to make website load faster

GZIP compression is based on the deflate algorithm, which is a combination of Huffman and LZ77 algorithms. ‘Deflate’ was developed in response to software problems patent covering LZW and other compression algorithms, thus limiting the possible uses of compression and other popular archiving programs. Enabling this feature could make your website pages load +70% faster. First make […]

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