
Enable GZIP compression to make website load faster

GZIP compression is based on the deflate algorithm, which is a combination of Huffman and LZ77 algorithms. ‘Deflate’ was developed in response to software problems patent covering LZW and other compression algorithms, thus limiting the possible uses of compression and other popular archiving programs. Enabling this feature could make your website pages load +70% faster. First make […]

decrypt dmg

Inside iOS: ipsw file structure

IPSW is an extension of compressed file basically a Zip archive. This file contains 3 .DMG files; an Apple disk image witch is a disk image commonly used by the Mac OS X operating system. When opened, an Apple disk image is “mounted” as a volume within the Finder. One of the 3 .DMG files contains the root file […]

ipsw file

Download iOs ipsw firmwares (direct source)

The links listed below point directly to Apple servers, if you click on a link the file in ipsw format will be downloaded. IPSWs are used to deliver the device’s firmware to the end-user. iPSW is the file format used by Apple for their firmwares. All Apple devices share the same file format for iOS […]


Replace FULL motherboard to remove iCloud

You can remove the iCloud account on your iphone 4 / 4s / 5 / 5s / 5c / 6 /6 + / 6s or iPad by replacing the motherboard  completely. You can find the  motherboard  sold as a separate part on amazon or ebay, this is rare but if you manage to find it, do not miss […]

Configure multiple IPs for one network interface on Centos

The practice of configuring multiple IP addresses on a particular network interface is called IP aliasing. You can assign multiple IP addresses to one network interface from a single subnet or completely different ones. First step :  get the ifconfig command into our system To get the ifconfig command into our system , run the […]

[solved] Definitively fix permalinks problem with wordpress on Apache

Os: Centos File: httpd.conf Make sure that : AllowOverride All <Directory “/var/www/html”> # # Possible values for the Options directive are “None”, “All”, # or any combination of: # Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews # # Note that “MultiViews” must be named *explicitly* — “Options All” # doesn’t give it to you. # # […]


Enable Apache mod_rewrite on Linux Centos

mod_rewrite is an Apache module used to manipulate URL’s and is compiled into the base Apache HTTP Server in CentOS.  See the mod_rewrite documenation(link is external) for more information. How to configure the Apache mod_rewrite module

Setup virtual hosts on Centos

The Apache web server is the most popular way of serving web content on the Internet. It serves more than half of all of the Internet’s active websites, and is extremely powerful and flexible. Apache breaks down its functionality and components into individual units that can be customized and configured independently. The basic unit that […]

Install proftpd and wordpress on CentOS

This document describes how to install and configure ProFTPD on CentOS Server. ProFTPD is an FTP daemon for unix and unix-like operating systems. ProFTPD is developed, released and distributed under the GNU Public License (GPL), which basically establishes it as free software, meaning that it may be sold, licensed and otherwise manipulated in any way […]