htop centos

Install htop on CentOS

Under CentOS, it is not possible to install htop via the official repositories. Here is a small memo about how to install htop under CentOS. To install htop, we will go through the addition of an external repository: CentOS-Dag.repo. vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Dag.repo Then paste the following lines: [dag] name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux baseurl=$releasever/en/$basearch/dag gpgcheck=1 […]


Easily install an OpenVPN server on Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and Linux Mint 18

To simplify the installation of OpenVPN server, an installation script is available on github, named openvpn-install. This script allows you to install and configure your own VPN server in less than 5 minutes by generating a .ovpn configuration file for use with the OpenVPN client on all GNU / Linux, MacOS X and Windows operating systems. […]

Running a netinstall over HTTP to install CentOS

In this Tutorial we will learn how to initiate the process of running a netinstall over HTTP (using the URL method) in order to install CentOS 6. The CentOS network installation is a process by which a small image file is used to boot the computer and enable the download of all the necessary files that will […]

Installing CentOS from USB

In this tutorial we will learn how to download and confirm the checksum of one or more CentOS 6 disk image(s) using a typical Windows desktop computer on a USB drive. CentOS is made available in various formats by HTTP, FTP, or via a Torrent-based client from a series of mirror sites located across the world. It supports […]

CentOS yum install

CentOS yum install/update – we will learn how to enhance the minimal install with additional tools that will give you a variety of administrative and development options that will prove vital during the lifetime of your server. The minimal install is probably the most efficient way you can install a server, but having said that, a minimal […]


Gadmin ProFTPD FTP Server (Gproftpd)

Gproftpd is the graphical interface of proftpd, a very powerful ftp server, it requires some advanced knowledge to master it. You can try to do a basic and functional configuration of proftpd, in order to understand a minimum and to check if you really need Gproftpd. Installation of gadmin-proftpd Install the gadmin-proftpd package. During the […]

Setup sftp on your server under linux (Debian)

This is a small memo on how to easily install and configure an SFTP server under Debian Jessie. What is an SFTP server An SFTP server is a Secure File Transfer Protocol as its name suggests. With this protocol, the file transfer is encrypted end-to-end, which makes it possible to secure the file sending without being read […]

What is proFTPD

ProFTPD is a free and open source FTP server. Its authors announce it as powerful and perfectly secure. ProFTPD is the most popular file transfer protocole in Unix-like environments today. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL license. ProFTPD is also well documented, most configurations would be similar to the tutorials provided with the […]

SSH File Transfer Protocol (sftp)

SFTP  is a secure protocole used to perform file transfers between local and remote servers. Much more secure than FTP, this protocol uses an SSH tunnel to establish a connection and uses encryption to transfer files in an interactive session. In the context of Secure Shell (SSH), SFTP describes two things: a communication protocol operating […]

SSH tunnel

What is SSH? SSH is an abbreviation for Secure SHell. Secure is for secure; and what is secure with SSH? The connection to a remote computer. Because SSH is a communication protocol that encrypts the connection between two computers. A SHell is a user interface Often a console, a command line interpreter (CLI), but it can be […]