Automated Real-time De-identification of Sensitive Medical Data: Enhancing Privacy and Research Potential

What is de-identification and why is it important? De-identification is the process of removing or obscuring personal information from health data, making it difficult or impossible to link the data to specific individuals. This process is crucial for healthcare organisations to: De-identification allows healthcare providers to unlock valuable insights from patient data while maintaining strict […]

HL7 v2 to FHIR Migration: Strategies for Smooth Transition

The transition from HL7 v2 to FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) represents a significant leap forward. At Yoctobe, we understand the complexities involved in this migration and have developed AI-powered solutions to facilitate a smooth transition. Our comprehensive interoperability engine is designed to bridge the gap between legacy systems and modern, FHIR-based healthcare ecosystems. Understanding […]

API-First Approach: Building Robust Healthcare Integration Engines

integration has become a critical challenge. At Yoctobe, we’ve embraced an API-first approach in developing our AI-powered medical solutions hub, recognizing that robust, flexible, and secure APIs are the cornerstone of effective healthcare integration engines. This strategy allows us to create scalable, interoperable systems that can adapt to the ever-changing needs of the healthcare industry. […]

Install and run Ruby On Rails Application on localhost

USE standalone Ruby Server installations: a) b) c) OR 1) Install WAMP (or etc) 2) Install Ruby 3) open …wamp\bin\apache\apacheXXXX\conf\httpd.conf, then search & replace Options Indexes FollowSymLinks with Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI (or Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI) p.s. also, Find & ensure that LoadModule cgi_module is NOT commented. 4) search & replace #AddHandler cgi-script .cgi with (…removing # ) AddHandler cgi-script .cgi AddHandler cgi-script .rb […]

ansible centos

Installing Ansible on Debian 9

Ansible is free software that allows the deployment and the automation of administration tasks on multiple remote servers at the same time, regardless of their operating system. What is interesting with Ansible, no need to install an agent on the servers, only the deployment of the public key of Ansible server is necessary, because the […]

CentOS eth0 Network config

Here is a short tutorial to configure the network interface under CentOS. Here the network interface is called: eth0. Configuring the ifcfg-eth0 file vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE = eth0 ## Interface Name BOOTPROTO = static ## Switch to static and non-DHCP mode BROADCAST = ## broadcast address HWADDR = AA: BB: DC: DD: EE: FF […]