This document provides a detailed, step-by-step explanation of the data flow from a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) to a Hospital Management System (HMS) using the Yoctobe Integration Engine.

1. Data Export from LIMS

  • The process begins with the LIMS exporting test results.
  • This export can be triggered by various events, such as test completion, scheduled batch exports, or manual initiation.
  • The exported data typically includes patient information, test details, results, and any relevant metadata.

2. Data Ingestion by Yoctobe Integration Engine

  • The Yoctobe Integration Engine receives the exported data from the LIMS.
  • This ingestion can occur through various methods:
    • API calls (REST, SOAP, etc.)
    • File transfers (SFTP, S3, etc.)
    • Database queries
    • Message queues (Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc.)

3. Data Validation and Transformation

  • Once ingested, the data undergoes validation to ensure integrity and completeness.
  • Validation checks may include:
    • Data type verification
    • Range checks for numerical values
    • Presence of required fields
    • Consistency checks across related data points
  • After validation, the data is transformed to meet the requirements of the target system(s).
  • Transformation processes may include:
    • Data format conversion (e.g., CSV to JSON)
    • Field mapping
    • Data enrichment from additional sources
    • Aggregation or disaggregation of data points

4. Data Routing

  • The transformed data is then routed based on the required output format or destination.
  • The Yoctobe Integration Engine supports multiple routing options: a. FHIR API Endpoint b. Custom API Endpoint c. Direct Database Insertion d. File Storage System

4a. FHIR API Endpoint

  • For HMS systems that support FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources):
    • Data is formatted according to FHIR specifications.
    • The engine prepares a FHIR-compliant API call.
    • The formatted data is sent to the HMS’s FHIR API endpoint.

4b. Custom API Endpoint

  • For HMS systems with proprietary or non-standard APIs:
    • Data is formatted according to the specific API requirements.
    • The engine prepares a custom API call tailored to the HMS’s specifications.
    • The formatted data is sent to the HMS’s custom API endpoint.

4c. Direct Database Insertion

  • For scenarios requiring direct database updates:
    • The engine connects to the HMS database using appropriate credentials.
    • SQL queries are prepared to insert or update the relevant tables.
    • Data is directly inserted into or updated in the HMS database.

4d. File Storage System

  • When file-based data transfer is preferred:
    • The engine generates files in the required format (e.g., CSV, XML, JSON).
    • Files are transferred to the designated storage system (e.g., network drive, cloud storage).
    • The HMS can then access these files for processing.

5. Data Processing by HMS

  • The Hospital Management System receives the data through one or more of the above methods.
  • The HMS then processes the received data, which may involve:
    • Updating patient records
    • Generating reports
    • Triggering notifications
    • Updating billing information

6. Error Handling

  • Throughout the entire process, the Yoctobe Integration Engine implements error handling:
    • Errors are logged with relevant details (timestamp, error type, affected data, etc.).
    • Critical errors trigger alerts to the IT support team.
    • The engine may attempt error recovery or data reprocessing based on predefined rules.

7. Monitoring and Reporting

  • A monitoring dashboard provides real-time metrics on the integration process:
    • Number of records processed
    • Success/failure rates
    • Processing times
    • System health indicators
  • This allows for proactive management and optimization of the integration process.