PROLAB is a laboratory information management system (LIMS or LIS) that supports all modern laboratory operations including : workflow and data tracking support, flexible and powerful architecture, and data exchange interfaces, which fully “support its use in regulated environments.
Features supported on PROLAB LIMS
(1) the reception and log in of a sample and its associated customer data
(2) the assignment, scheduling, and tracking of the sample and the associated analytical workload,
(3) the processing and quality control associated with the sample and the utilized equipment and inventory,
(4) the storage of data associated with the sample analysis,
(5) the inspection, approval, and compilation of the sample data for reporting and/or further analysis
- There are several pieces of core functionality associated with these laboratory processing phases that tend to appear in most LIMS
Instrument integration and analysis automation
LIMS are found in all laboratories. There are laboratories in all sectors of activity provided that this is framed by a standard or a quality reference. They are ubiquitous in the life sciences: human, animal or plant health, environment … We distinguish research and development laboratories, laboratories of medical biology and reference laboratories. But it is also found in all industrial fields.
In the field of medical biology, the SIL is sometimes supplemented by other integrated or dissociated components such as the Quality Management Software (QMS), Middleware (ISA), or even Server for electronic patient results.
PROLAB offers the possibility of synchronizing any medical instrument with the software, all test orders and results are done and stored automatically simply on a single database.
PROLAB uses ASTM and HL-7 communication protocoles to encode and decode order and result records. Witch offers a wide flexibility to the laboratory to integrate many instruments and organize a large amount of medical information in a single database.
Automation boosts analysis speed and improve tests accuracy by reducing human factor errors and maximizing productivity and efficiency.
Features available on LIS PROLAB
- Management of analyzes and associated sequences;
- Management of the technical data : identification, definition, suppliers;
- Sample management;
- Comparative data analysis;
- Management of methods: procedures for analyzes;
- Management of batch traceability;
- Laboratory load management: unit time per analysis, equipment capacity;
- Cost management: consumables, hourly rates;
- Recording of incidents: comments, anomalies;
- Communication to equipment and to enterprise information systems (integrated ERP, MES, CMMS, static process control);
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